Onipede Wusu
Lagos State University

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Change in Marriage Ceremonies among the Yoruba: A Case Study of the Aworis in Badagry Local Government Area of Lagos State

Marriage is the main entrance into the family system among the Yorubas. To get into marriage life the society expects a process of ceremonies to be undertaken. Of recent, it has been reported that the family as a system has been undergoing unprecedented change (Ocholla-Ayayo, 1997). It is likely the ceremonies involved in contracting marriage are undergoing changes as well. The objective of this study is to examine the changes and explain the factors underlying the situation. The study will be based on Focus Group Discussion among the Aworis in the study setting. The data generated will be context analysed. It is expected that an examination of the change in marriage ceremonies will yield finding that will be useful in designing social policies that could take care of the consequences of the changes in marriage in the society.