Events Calendar

Now viewing: Monday, January 26, 2015

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Mock Interview Program

Career Services Interview Suite (TNH 3.122)

Each spring the CSO presents a Mock Interview Program where attorneys come on campus to provide mock interviews with 1L students prior to Spring OCI and Public Service Career Fair.

For more information visit
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Spring Write-On Competition for the Texas Journal of Women, Gender, & the Law

The Texas Journal of Women, Gender, & the Law is having its Spring 2015 Write-On Competition! Membership with TJWGL is great opportunity for 1Ls and 2Ls to improve their editing skills, and gives students a chance to advance to Ed Board their 2L or 3L year. The Write-On will begin this Sunday, January 25th, and completed applications should be submitted either to Lauren Miller via email at, or to TJWGL's box in the Communic

For more information visit
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TJCLCR Spring Write-On Competition

The TEXAS JOURNAL ON CIVIL LIBERTIES & CIVIL RIGHTS invites you to participate in its Spring 2015 Write-On Competition. We are seeking 1Ls, 2Ls, 3Ls, and LLMs with outstanding writing and editing skills and a demonstrated interest in civil liberties and civil rights.

If you are interested in applying for a position on the journal, please contact Amanda Moon at, or pick up an application at the circulation desk in the atrium. Applications are due via email to no later than Friday, January 30, 2015, at 11:59 PM.

For more information visit
Tarlton Law Library/Uniform Law Commission Archives

CCJ 2.306 (Eidman Courtroom)

One-day conference marking the public availability of the Uniform Law Commission archives held by the Tarlton Law Library, exploring the ULC's work, and celebrating the UT Law School's contributions to the work of the Uniform Law Commission.

For more information visit
Townes Hall Morning Coffee (sponsored by Jones Day and the Alumni Association)

On Monday, January 26th, Jones Day and the Texas Law Alumni Association is pleased to announce that it will kick off its Spring 2015 Townes Hall Morning Coffee for all students every Monday morning. Please bring your favorite travel mug from home (we are “going green,” so no paper products will be provided) and enjoy FREE coffee every Monday morning to start off your week on behalf of Jones Day and the Alumni Association. Coffee will be located at one, large station located near the 1L Classrooms (by TNH 2.140, TNH 2.139, etc.) beginning at 8:45 am.

For more information visit
Townes Hall Morning Coffee (sponsored by Jones Day and the Alumni Association)

On Monday, January 26th, Jones Day and the Texas Law Alumni Association is pleased to announce that it will kick off its Spring 2015 Townes Hall Morning Coffee for all students every Monday morning. Please bring your favorite travel mug from home (we are “going green,” so no paper products will be provided) and enjoy FREE coffee every Monday morning to start off your week on behalf of Jones Day and the Alumni Association. Coffee will be located at one, large station located near the 1L Classrooms (by TNH 2.140, TNH 2.139, etc.) beginning at 8:45 am.

For more information visit