Events Calendar

March 30, 2015
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TNH 3.126 (Ratliff Classroom)
Event type:
Workshop / Training Program
For more info:
Please contact Nicole Simmons, Director of Public Service Programs, at 512-232-1160 or

Come learn about Equal Justice Works’ public interest programs and initiatives. Equal Justice Works' Director, Isaac Bowers, will discuss both summer and postgraduate opportunities with Equal Justice Works and options for relieving educational debt after you graduate.

Lunch will be served. RSVP by Friday, March 27, on Symplicity by selecting the 'Events' tab.


Topics to be discussed include: Equal Justice Works’ postgraduate fellowship programs (AmeriCorps Fellowships and Equal Justice Works fellowships): how they work; why, how and when to apply; what works; and more. The expansion of the SummerCorps program - AmeriCorps JD. Students can work either over the summer or during the semester and earn an educational award while getting valuable public interest experience and do direct legal services. The annual EJW Conference and Career Fair, which provides a great opportunity to network with fellow students and employers from across the country, as well as obtain a job. The new Student Engagement program and how it is connecting public interest law students across the country. The possibility that Congress may cap Public Service Loan Forgiveness and what is being done to oppose it. How you may become a member of the EJW National Advisory Committee.

Specific audiences:
  • Texas Law students
  • Faculty
  • Staff
Sponsored by:
  • Career Services

If you need an accommodation to participate in this event, please contact the sponsor listed above or the Texas Law Special Events Office at no later than seven business days prior to the event.