Room Schedule/Room Reservation

Follow the steps below to view scheduled and open rooms:

  1. Log in to the School of Nursing Resource Scheduler.
  2. Enter “Default User” under the login or email, and “1234” under the password.
  3. On the left side of the page, you will see a list of the rooms (resources). Click on the lower “NUR” to see the schedule of all rooms (excluding Student Space) for the current week.   

Room Scheduler for NUR Space
  1. You can select a specific room on the left, and change the calendar options displayed.
  2. The list of Student Spaces is at the bottom of the list of rooms (resources). To view the availability, click on the lower “Student Space.”   

Room Scheduler for Student Space
  1. Please remember to logout.

Room Reservations MUST be made at least 24 hours in advance.​   

Follow the steps below to request a room reservation:

  1. Go to the School of Nursing Resource Scheduler Web Request.
  2. Click "Log in" if you have an existing account and enter your email address and password. Click "Create an Account" if you are a new user.
  3. Select the resource space, "NUR" or "Student Space." Select the date and start and end times. (Reservations MUST be made at least 24 hours in advance.)
  4. Click on the room you wish to reserve.
  5. Enter the resource details for the room request and submit a request.
  6. Once the reservation request is complete, you will receive a confirmation email.

Contact Information: Contact Jeanne Morriss with questions related to Room Requests, and LAITS with questions related to specific media equipment that is not already found in the room.