Strategic Programs Promoting
Undergraduate Student Success

Driving the academic and holistic achievements of Longhorns, throughout their educational journeys.

Student Resources

Each of these units assist undergraduates with what they need to create their own pathways to student success.

Texas One Stop

Assists with registration, scholarships and financial aid, tuition payments, and student records.

Sanger Learning Center

Provides free academic support for all students, including tutoring, academic workshops, and exam reviews.

First-Year Experience

Helps incoming students transition to UT with programs like First-Year Interest Groups (FIGs) and Signature Courses.

Core Curriculum

Determines degree requirements for all students, regardless of major, and sets the foundation for more advanced coursework.

Undergraduate Research

Engages students in research and creative activity through poster sessions, competitions, and workshops.

Scholarships and Financial Aid

Provides cost information and financial assistance for students through tools like tuition calculators and scholarship finders.


  • BDP graduate Priscila Khan accepting her PPCC certificate from Dr. Stephen M. Sonnenberg

    New Endowment Supports Patients, Practitioners & Cultures of Care Certificate

    2024 is bringing exciting changes to the Patients, Practitioners & Cultures of Care (PPCC) certificate program. A $2 million endowment from Ian Bratcher and his family will expand this certificate program and rename it in honor of Ian’s father, Joe W. Bratcher III.

  • BDP students at Poster Session

    BDPs Launch New Criminal Law, Justice & Inequality Certificate

    This spring, the BDPs add a 17th program to their roster: the Criminal Law, Justice & Inequality certificate. Students who participate in BDPs take courses taught by professors across the Forty Acres and complete an internship or research project to earn a certificate in their chosen subject matter. In the case of this newest certificate, they’ll be exploring how society defines crime and reacts to behaviors that meet that definition.

Profile photo of Rich Reddick

I work with a talented and devoted team of people who recruit, teach, enlighten and support students so they’re transformed during their time on the Forty Acres. Our students become leaders, engage the community around them, form key connections, and then ultimately, they go out and transform society for the benefit of others.

Richard J. Reddick
Senior Vice Provost and Dean