African Urban Spaces: History and Culture

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Hotel Information

Participants will stay at the Holiday Inn at Town Lake is on Interstate Highway 35 and Town Lake Road, very easy to get to from either north or south IH-35. The hotel address is simply IH35 & Town Lake Rd. Their phone number is (512) 472-8211. The hotel is on the north bank of "Town Lake," which is what we call the Colorado River as it passes through our fair city. The hotel is easily visible from the highway.

A. The Free Offer

Those who can share a double room will be accommodated for free for
two nights. Participants will know ahead of time who their mates are.

*If you arrive on Thursday evening and stay after the conference, you
will have to make your own personal arrangement. The conference does
not pay for other bills incurred at the hotel (meals, telephones,

** We have negotiated a conference rate for those who intend to make
their arrangements.

B. Making your own arrangement

The rate for single occupancy is $92.00/night.

The deadline date for reserving rooms is March 7,
2003. The telephone number to call for reservations is (512)
472-8211 and the participants should identify the group as: UT
History Department or Africa Conference - UT History

For those who wish to make their own hotel arrangement, a list of local hotels can be found here.

Click here to see a map of the hotel area or to access an interactive giude with other hotel listings through (You will leave the Africa Conferences site)
