32. As little as 30 years ago, excessive alcohol was known to be a health risk to the drinker, but there was no public awareness of its possible impact on the fetus developing in a pregnant woman. The first scientific studies to address this topic were published in the early 1970s and demonstrated that women who drink a lot of alcohol during pregnancy have a much higher-than-average chance of producing an offspring suffering from mental retardation and various facial deformations. Later, in the 1980s, it was discovered that drinking even modest amounts of alcohol could cause the child to suffer learning disabilities and to be comparatively inept at certain physical tasks. .PP The above passage from the course notes constitutes an example of which of the following points?

33. and 34. Each of the following statements or points were made during the demonstration with the "magic lamp." (The "magic lamp" is the lamp that could be turned off and on by touching any part of it.) Mark the part of the scientific method best illustrated by each description. There is exactly one correct answer for question 26., and exactly one correct answer for question 27.

(A) goal
(B) model
(C) data
(D) evaluation
(E) revision

33. After demonstrating the operation of the lamp to the class, Jim asked the students for ideas about how it worked. These ideas are an example of what part of the scientific method?

34. Using only a cigarette lighter and his ingenuity, Jim showed that the lamp was not activated by heat. The conclusion that this idea was incorrect constitutes an example of what part of the scientific method?

Table of contents
Chapter 1. The need for making good choices
Chapter 2. A Template for Scientific Inquiry
Chapter 3. How non-scientists use the scientific method
Problems 1-10
Problems 11-20
Problems 21-31

Copyright 1996-2000 Craig M. Pease & James J. Bull. All rights reserved.