Constitutional Law — Art. 8 GG (Freedom of Assembly)

Date Citation Note
11.06.1991 BVerfGE 84, 203 1 BvR 772/90 Assembly dispersal- decision © Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Denial of entry to a public assembly if intention is not participatory but preventive
11.11.1986 BVerfGE 73, 206 1 BvR 713/83, 921, 1190/84 and 333, 248, 306, 497/85 Mutlangen -decision © Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Punishment for blocking access to military installations through sit-down demonstrations
§ 240 StGB
§ 15 VersG
Art. 8, 103 II GG
14.05.1985 BVerfGE 69, 315 1 BvR 233, 341/81 Brokdorf -decision Public demonstrations concerning a nuclear power plant
Freedom of assembly
§§ 14, 15, 26 VersG
Art. 8 GG
Art. 123 WRV