Events Calendar

October 1, 2012
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The Skadden Fellowship Program, described as "a legal Peace Corps" by The Los Angeles Times, was established in 1988 to commemorate the firm's 40th anniversary, in recognition of the dire need for greater funding for graduating law students who wish to devote their professional lives to providing legal services to the poor (including the working poor), the elderly, the homeless and the disabled, as well as those deprived of their civil or human rights. The aim of the foundation is to give Fellows the freedom to pursue public interest work; thus, the Fellows create their own projects at public interest organizations with at least two lawyers on staff before they apply.

Fellowships are awarded for two years. Skadden provides each Fellow with a salary and pays all fringe benefits to which an employee of the sponsoring organization would be entitled. For those Fellows not covered by a law school low-income protection plan, the firm will pay a Fellow's law school debt service for the tuition part of the loan for the duration of the fellowship. The 2012 class of Fellows brings to 648 the number of academically outstanding law school graduates and judicial clerks the firm has funded to work full-time for legal and advocacy organizations.

Grants will be made to sponsoring organizations only. Therefore, before the final application date of October 1, a public interest organization that will sponsor the applicant must be identified. The sponsor must be a 501(c)3 organization which provides civil legal services to the poor, including the working poor, the elderly, the disabled or those deprived of their civil or human rights.

Applications must be received by October 1, 2012. Fellows will be notified by December 7, 2012.

Specific audiences:
  • Texas Law students
Sponsored by:
  • Career Services

If you need an accommodation to participate in this event, please contact the sponsor listed above or the Texas Law Special Events Office at no later than seven business days prior to the event.