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Binder, Stalemate: Causes and Consequences of Legislative Gridlock (Brookings 2003)

Bobbitt, Terror and Consent (Knopf)

Edwards, The Parties Versus the People (Yale)

Ferejohn: Ferejohn and Eskridge, Republic of Statutes (Yale)

Fishkin, When the People Speak: Deliberative Democracy and Public Consultation,(Oxford)

Gerken, Democracy Index (Princeton)

Gibson, Electing Judges: The Surprising Effects of Campaigning on Judicial Legitimacy (Chicago)

Hasen, The Voting Wars: From Florida 2000 to the Next Election Meltdown (Yale), Fixing Washington, 126 Harvard Law Review 550 (2012), End of the Dialogue? Political Polarization, the Supreme Court, and Congress, 86 Southern California Law Review, (forthcoming 2013) (draft available)

Lessig, Republic, Lost: How Money Corrupts Congress – and a Plan to Stop It, (Twelve)

Levinson, Framed:  America’s 51 Constitutions and the Crisis of Governance (Oxford)

Mansbridge, Why We Lost the ERA (Univ of Chicago Press)

Mann and Ornstein, It’s Even Worse than it Looks and their earlier book The Broken Branch (Oxford)

Mayhew, Partisan Balance: Why Political Parties Don’t Kill the U.S. Constitutional System (Princeton)

McGarity, Freedom to Harm (Yale), Administrative Law as Blood Sport, 61 Duke L. J. 1671 (2012), and Deregulatory Riders Redux, 1 U. Mich. J. Env. & Admin. L. 33 (2012)

Orentlicher, Two Presidents Are Better Than One: The Case for a Bipartisan Executive Branch, (NYU)

Rakove, Revolutionaries:  A New History of the Creation of America (Mariner)

Rosen, The Structural Constitutional Principle of Republican Legitimacy, 54 William & Mary L. Rev. 371 (2012)

Skowronek, Presidential Leadership in Political Time: Reprise and Reappraisal, (Kansas)

Tarr,Without Fear or Favor: Judicial Independence and Judicial Accountability in the States (Stanford)

Thompson: Gutmann and Thompson, The Spirit of Compromise: Why Governing Demands It and Campaigning Undermines It (Princeton)

Wolfe, Political Evil:  What It Is and How to Combat It (Knopf), The Future of Liberalism (Yale, 2009), Does American Democracy Still Work?  (Yale, 2006)