Tuesday, November 29, 2005

My book: Writing for the Legal Audience

My first book, published in 2003, is--

Writing for the Legal Audience

Click on it to get the book from Amazon.com.

It's probably the most modern and readable book on legal writing today. But don't take my word for it:
  • "The writing tips in this book work. . . . It is easy to read, easy to use, and--especially considering the type of book it is--surprisingly enjoyable." Susan Wawrose, Book Department: Writing for the Legal Audience by Wayne Schiess Trial 67 (Jan. 2004).

  • "Wayne Schiess is one of the foremost legal writing experts out there, and his book is a "must have" for those who are serious about improving their legal writing." Amazon.com reviewer.

  • "[F]illed with sound, progressive advice about writing for many different legal audiences. Schiess is squarely on the side of plain English--bless him. He will show you the way to better legal writing." Professor Joseph Kimble.

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