- Year founded: 1883
- Colleges and schools: 19
- Alumni: 482,000+
- Teaching faculty (Fall 2022): 3,254
- Enrollment (Fall 2023)
- Undergraduate students: 42,444
- Graduate students: 9,469
- Total students: 51,913
- Number of states represented: 50
- Percentage of out-of-state students: 10%
- Number of countries represented: 130
- Percentage of international students: 9.6%
Student Profile, Fall 2023
- Gender
- Women: 56.3%
- Men: 43.6%
- Ethnicity/Race
- American Indian or Alaskan Native: 0.1%
- Asian: 22.0%
- Black: 4.5%
- Hispanic: 25.2%
- International: 9.6%
- Multiracial (excl. Black or Hispanic): 2.8%
- Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander: 0.1%
- White: 33.0%
- Unknown or Blank: 1.8%
*Black includes both “Black or African American Alone” and “Black or African American Multiracial (excluding Hispanic)”.
*Students are classified as “International” if they are not U.S. citizens or U.S. permanent residents.
- Undergraduate degree programs: 156
- Undergraduate fields of study: 170+
- Graduate degree programs: 139 (237 including doctoral)
- Courses: 12,400+
- Study abroad programs: 400
- Countries hosting education abroad students: 102
- Fulbright Students and Scholars: 1,007
- Rhodes Scholars: 31
- Marshall Scholars: 24
- Acres on main campus: 431
- Libraries: 17
- Volumes in UT Libraries: More than 10 million
- Museums: 7
- Works at the Blanton Museum of Art: 17,000+
- Specimens in the Texas Science & Natural History Museum collection: 5.7 million
- Student organizations: 1,000+
- Career centers: 15
- No. 6 among U.S. universities for research financed by the National Science Foundation (FY2022)
- Externally sponsored projects (FY2023): 4,643
- Research expenditures (FY2023): $1.04 billion
- Licensing revenues (past 10 fiscal years): $231.1 million
- U.S. and international patents issued (past 10 fiscal years): 1,291
- Companies created by UT entrepreneurs (past 10 fiscal years): 90
- National championships won since 1949: 62
- Regular-season conference titles: 517
- Olympic medals won by UT Austin student-athletes: 130
- All-time All-Americans: 2,491 individuals who have earned 4,252 All-America honors
- Student-Athlete Rhodes Scholars: 9
Page last updated: September 26, 2023
Sources: Intercollegiate Athletics, Texas Global, Office of Institutional Reporting, Research, and Information Systems, Office of Sponsored Projects and Office of Technology Commercialization.