Mission Statement
The mission of The University of Texas at Austin is to achieve excellence in the interrelated areas of undergraduate education, graduate education, research, and public service. The University provides superior and comprehensive educational opportunities at the baccalaureate through doctoral and special professional educational levels. The University contributes to the advancement of society through research, creative activity, scholarly inquiry and the development and dissemination of new knowledge, including the commercialization of University discoveries. The University preserves and promotes the arts, benefits the state's economy, serves the citizens through public programs, and provides other public service.
Core Purpose
To transform lives for the benefit of society.
Core Values
Learning – A caring community, all of us students, helping one another grow.
Discovery – Expanding knowledge and human understanding.
Freedom – To seek the truth and express it.
Leadership – The will to excel with integrity and the spirit that nothing is impossible.
Individual Opportunity – Many options, diverse people and ideas, one University.
Responsibility – To serve as a catalyst for positive change in Texas and beyond.
Description of Services Offered
- Instruction
- Libraries
- Research Facilities
- Artistic Exhibitions and Performances
- Extended Education Programs
- Public Broadcasting
- Housing
- Food
- Entertainment Events
- Financial Aid
- Health Center
- Athletic Events (not state funded)
The University of Texas at Austin pledges to all Texans to do its best for the people of Texas in its many and varied endeavors. We want to make it easy for you to reach us for information or with concerns.
University Contact Information:
Website: http://www.utexas.edu/
Directory Assistance: 512-471-3434
Visitor Services Office: 512-471-3434
General Information & Referral Service Kiosk: Ground floor of Main Building
Customer Service Representative:
Diane Sumner
PO Box 8179
The University of Texas at Austin
Austin, Texas 78713
Email: help@utexas.edu
The university's goals are to educate individuals to their highest potential, advance the frontiers of research and artistic expression, serve the public in numerous avenues, maximize opportunities for historically underutilized businesses, and increase funding from non-state sources to enable it to further its programs.The University of Texas at Austin is a university of the first class through excellence in teaching, research and public service. Over 425,000 individuals have been graduated from the University throughout its 117-year history of service to the citizens of the State of Texas.
The university strives to maintain attractive, well-maintained, safe and clean facilities and grounds for the use of its faculty, staff, students and members of the public. Its employees strive to assure a positive and friendly attitude, to provide efficient service, to present a positive image of the university and to respond as expeditiously as possible to requests for information or complaints received from members of the public. "Suggestion Boxes" and other forms of customer satisfaction surveys are regularly used by many university facilities, and opinions expressed are considered carefully by university administrators.
Complaint Procedure
Any complaints regarding quality or timeliness of service or safety should be addressed to the Director of the specific university facility about which the complaint is being made; the Dean of the academic unit about which any complaint is being made, or the Director of the program or office involved, as circumstances warrant. Please provide any complaints in writing or by e-mail. Of course, oral complaints to a staff supervisor may be more appropriate when safety issues are involved and quick reaction time would be imperative.
Complaints regarding university facilities or employees will be acknowledged by the appropriate university supervisor immediately if the complaint is made in person, or within 10 business days of receipt if made by mail or email. Requests for written information will be handled within 10 business days or as soon as reasonably possible in the case of extensive requests. The university administration encourages its employees to handle all requests for information and complaints in a reasonable and timely manner.
The university's telephone system is equipped with voice mail for leaving messages. Employees are encouraged to return phone messages the same or next business day after receipt. Generally, responses to questions received over the telephone should be made within a few business days of receipt, or receipt of a voice mail message by the person whose phone it is. For security reasons, staff are discouraged from receiving messages left on the voice mailbox of other persons.
Persons reaching a university office in error will be directed to the appropriate office, if known. Every reasonable attempt will be made to connect the caller with the appropriate office without being transferred more than once.
The university cannot be responsible for the timeliness or quality of service for events in its facilities that are sponsored or performed by groups outside the university. Complaints regarding quality or timeliness of service on such occasions should be addressed directly to the outside group involved.
Customer Satisfaction Surveys
The University will measure customer service satisfaction through survey forms distributed at its facilities on a rotating basis. Ratings of all facilities and activities will be reviewed to ensure that we are providing quality services.
Again, The University of Texas at Austin pledges to all Texans to do its best for the people of Texas in its many and varied endeavors.