Offices A-Z

Offices A-Z is managed by University Marketing and Communications and contains contact information for main offices at The University of Texas at Austin. To request an update, please use our website feedback form. To search for people at the university, visit the Directory.

Office Name Phone
Texas Institute for Drug & Diagnostic Development (TI-3D) 512-471-3680
Texas Interdisciplinary Plan (TIP) 512-232-6493
Texas Language Center 512-471-6574
Texas Law Review 512-232-1280
Texas Materials Institute 512-475-8293
Texas MBA Program Office 512-471-7698
Texas Memorial Museum 512-471-1604
Texas MPA Program Office 512-471-6559
Texas Newswatch 512.471.1845
Texas One Stop 512-232-6988
Texas Parents Association 512-471-2353
Texas Performing Arts 512-471-2787
Texas Performing Arts Ticket Office 512.471.1444
Texas Program in Sports and Media 512.471.2431
Texas Student Media 512-471-7051
Texas Student Television 512-471-1865
Texas Success Initiative 512-232-7146
Texas Travesty Humor Magazine 512-471-7898
Texas Union (512) 475-6636
Texas Venture Labs, Jon Brumley 512-232-6561
Textiles and Apparel, Division of 512-471-5097
Theatre and Dance, Department of 512-471-5793
Theoretical Chemistry, Institute for 512-471-5903
Theory Group 512-471-3898
Thompson Conference Center 512-471-3121